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WordPress: How to fix the Too Many Redirects error

This quick guide will take you through the steps on how you can fix the “too many redirects” error in WordPress. 


Having  a WordPress site has a lot of benefits, but at times some easily solvable errors can irritate beginners. White screen of death, Internal server error, and some other common WordPress errors can be really stressing for new users. One of the common errors would be ‘Too Many Redirects’ error in WordPress. In this article, we will show you how to fix error too many redirects issue in WordPress.


This error will be displayed like this:


Why I am Getting Error Too Many Redirects in WordPress?


This error usually occurs due to a misconfigured redirection issue. As you know that WordPress has SEO friendly URL Structure which uses the redirect function. Several other popular WordPress plugins also use the redirect functionality. For example, WordPress SEO plugin allows you to remove category base from category URLs by redirecting users to a URL without category base. WordPress SSL and cache plugins also use redirects.

Due to a misconfiguration in any of these redirection tools, your site may end up redirecting users to a URL that is actually redirecting them back to the referring URL. In that case the user’s browser is trapped between two pages and hence you see the error.


How to Solve Too Many Redirects Error in WordPress?


  • The most common misconfiguration that we have come across repeatedly is when a user has incorrect URL in WordPress Address URL or Site Address URL settings. 



Change Site URL Without Access to Admin Area

  • In case you don’t have access to WordPress Admin area, you can still update these settings by defining them in wp-config.php file. 
  • Simply connect to your website using an FTP client. Once you are connected to your site, you will find wp-config.php file in your site’s root directory. 
  • You need to download and edit this file using a text editor like Notepad. 
  • Simply add these two lines to the file and don’t forget to replace example.com with your own domain.
  • Save the file and upload it back to your web server. Now try to access your WordPress site. If you still can not access your site, then try to add your domain with www prefix.


TIP: For more advanced users you can try to debug your site. Switch the debugging option on through your wp-config file. 

define( ‘WP_DEBUG’, true);

Updated on March 2, 2023

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